Wednesday 14 December 2016

UWA: Information and Digital Literacy

As in all the other university libraries I have visited, there are research committees and teaching and learning committees at all faculties and library staff are members of the various committees. 
As I have said before we should try to get invited to similar groups/committees at NTNU. Many researchers and teachers at NTNU don't know what the library and librarians can offer, and being part of these committees would help communicating our services and skills.

Also LibGuides are a very important tool or service for both students and staff at the university. There are LibGuides for all major subjects and general topics like reference management, citation styles or "Getting started in the library". Have a look here for all LibGuides:
I have been talking about LibGuides for many years, and I have suggested several times to purchase this tool. LibGuides are useful and professionally designed, and they are used in very many libraries/universities worldwide. 

So I still don't understand why we can't have them at NTNU!!!

Under "Student learning" on UWA's webpage you find "StudySmarter" that helps UWA students getting more out of their study, communication, maths, English language, writing and research skills.
Under that page you have a service called WRITESmart. This service offers drop-in sessions, workshops and other programmes for all students.
Drop-in sessions are offered on weekdays between 10am and 12pm at the Reid Library (biggest branch library at UWA). One will get expert advice and feedback on assignments, study, research and referencing. 
The free practical workshops provided are open to all students and there is a huge range of topics covered each semester. Here you have the detailed plan from August to November 2016:

As you can see, some of these workshops are like the ones that the Student Service at NTNU is offering. We really should collaborate much more with them!

UWA Library will also start working on Curriculum Mapping soon, together with teachers and other university staff. If you do not quite know what Curriculum Mapping means, here you have some links to definitions and explanations:

Does anybody know whether NTNU does Curriculum Mapping? Then we should be part of this work!

I also got to know that at Curtain University senior librarians have an office in the various faculties. We have been discussing "office time" (kontortid) at NTNU University Library for a long time, but only a few subjects librarians have established this.

1 comment:

  1. Libguides er jo som du skriver mye brukt verktøy i mange bibliotek.
    Og det viser jo at veldig mange bibliotek synes det er nyttig og lurt å lage sider tilsvarende våre fagblogger på UB i dag.
    Så er det jo et spørsmål om bloggmalen er et enkelt og egnet verktøy for å kunne lage slike sider?
    Jeg vil si nei.
