Wednesday 2 November 2016

Last day at QUT and my presentation about Norway and Norwegian university libraries

On my last day at QUT I gave a presentation to a few colleagues. I was talking about Norway (history, facts, pictures), Norwegian academic libraries in a nutshell, our national research information system CRIStin, facts about NTNU (Norwegian University of Science and Technology) and about the university's library (figures, projects, services, pictures).

People loved it and asked several questions afterwards. I also got a wonderful present from the library. Fortunately I could give something back since I had brought a calendar with lovely pictures from Norway and Norwegian chocolate (melkesjokolade).

THANKS SO MUCH to all the wonderful staff at Queensland University of Technology Library and the library at Griffith University. I have learned a lot, exchanged lots of experiences, got many ideas for my work back in Trondheim, and last not least I made friends. I hope to see some of you again at the IFLA in Malaysia in 2018 or once in Trondheim.

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