Saturday 26 November 2016

UWA: Research Support Services and Training

The UWA Library provides a lot of research support services, in particular for staff, postgraduates and honours students.
Examples of these services are:
  • Research Data Management Services
  • Support with Scholarly Publishing and Repository
  • Copyright Support
  • Support with Research Impact Measurement

At each UWA branch library there is staff (often liaison or subject librarians) to provide advice and support to researchers, either in individual consultations or to groups.
The library offers a Research Support Programme of regular workshops which are designed to develop research skills and assist with common challenges in the research lifecycle.

Some examples of workshops (that we surely can learn from!):

1. Overview of Library services
"The University Library supports HDR (Higher Degree Research) students and early career researchers in a number of ways. This introductory session will provide an overview, and suggest how you might benefit from library support at different stages in your research process.

2. Literature searching
"Scholarly literature searching is much more than a few keywords! Find out how to carry out thorough, efficient and effective searches using UWA tools and scholarly information resources provided by the University Library."

3. Advanced Google for researchers
"Harness the power of Google to find scholarly materials to support your research, find out how advanced Google functions can enhance the quality and efficiency of your searches."

4. Staying up to date
"Setting yourself up to keep abreast of new publications, news and developments in your field can save you hours of time through your research project. This workshop will cover technologies, tools and tips to simplify this aspect of your life."

5. Research Data Management
"All researchers have an obligation to manage their research data and ensure compliance with UWA and funder policies. This workshop will provide an overview of best practice relating to data storage, IP, metadata, documentation, sharing, disposal and more."

6. Maximising and Measuring your Research Impact
"Understanding the impact of your research is essential to your future success. This workshop will cover citations and other evidence of impact, the h-index, journal rankings and impact factors, researcher profiles, and focus on strategies to maximise impact. This session will be useful for researchers completing the Research Performance Evidence section of grant applications and anyone needing to demonstrate their research impact."

7. Where to Publish
"Deciding where and how to publish is an important step in the research process. This workshop will cover a range of factors to consider, and introduce the tools and guides that can help. Open access publishing and the UWA Research Repository are covered."

Here you can have a look at the Library's webpage for Research Support:

As you can see there are also a lot of online guides/LibGuides!

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